Video Details:
Title: Is Homeschooling 6 Kids Possible? Hear The Answer From This CoupleVideo Category: EducationVideo Duration: 14 Minute(s) 49 Second(s)Publish Date: 21 10 2016 - 19:45:06Published by: Homeschool TVViews Total: 3657 The userLike Total: 96 The userDislike Total: 0 The userTotal Comments: 8 TimesFavorite total: 0 The userDescription:
Homeschooling one child can be difficult and what more with 6 children? Jessie and Katherine Tan shares their story on what made them embrace the decision to homeschool their 6 kids despite the challenges they encountered.Learn more about how to teach obedience to your children with Teach with Joy Blog: http://bit.ly/2fZ6i2Y
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